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When Does a Fever Warrant a Trip to Urgent Care?

When Does a Fever Warrant a Trip to Urgent Care?

A fever isn’t necessarily a bad thing — it means your immune system is in full swing, doing its job of protecting you. There are times, however, when your fever is signaling a need for some extra help.
Aug 6th, 2024
What's the Difference Between CBC and CMP Blood Tests?

What's the Difference Between CBC and CMP Blood Tests?

There’s a good deal that your blood can tell us about your health. To access that information, we can perform a complete blood count (CBC) and a comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP). Here’s a look at the difference between the two.
Oct 1st, 2021
Common Heat-Related Illnesses and Symptoms

Common Heat-Related Illnesses and Symptoms

The month of August can be a hot and sticky one here in New York City, which makes us more vulnerable to heat-related illnesses. To beat the heat this summer, we take a closer look at the problem.
Aug 3rd, 2021

What Are Tick-Borne Diseases?

While living in the metropolitan area of New York City has its dangers, we generally don’t think of ticks as one. Unfortunately, ticks can infiltrate city life and potentially deliver tick-borne disease, which we review here.
Jul 27th, 2021

Allergy Versus Asthma — There Is a Difference

Allergies and asthma are two distinct conditions that often occur together, blurring the lines between the two problems. Here’s a look at how asthma and allergies can be separate issues, as well as connected problems.
Apr 1st, 2021

How to Boost Your Immune System to Fight COVID-19

Even as vaccinations get underway, it’s still important to boost your natural defenses against COVID-19. In the following, we review some important tips for strengthening your immune system — now and in the future.
Mar 11th, 2021

Understanding the Need for Common Lab Tests

While screening for COVID-19 has certainly put the need for lab testing in the spotlight, the fact is that this service plays an incredibly important role in most every area of your health. Here’s how.
Feb 16th, 2021

What to Do About Gastrointestinal Distress

Gastrointestinal distress is a catchall term for any number of problems, some acute and some chronic. Here, we explore the many possible causes of gastrointestinal distress and whether there’s cause for concern.
Jan 4th, 2021

When to Consider Urgent Care

While many of us are, rightfully, concerned about viral infections at the moment, these aren’t the only medical concerns that require prompt care. Here are some guidelines for seeking urgent care.
Dec 1st, 2020

Why Flu (and Other) Vaccines Are Important This Year

As we wait for a vaccine for COVID-19, it’s more important than ever to protect your health through vaccines that are already available, including the flu vaccine. Here’s a look at how you can still protect your family during these uncertain times.
Oct 7th, 2020

What's Involved in an Immigration Medical Exam?

If you’re applying for a green card in the United States, one of the requirements is a medical exam. Here’s what you should expect during your exam and how you can best prepare to make everything go as smoothly as possible.
Sep 9th, 2020

Everything You Need to Know About Your DOT Physical

While millions of jobs were lost during the pandemic, many were gained in the delivery field as customers turned to remote shopping. If you’re looking to take advantage of these new job opportunities, here’s a look at what a DOT physical entails.
Jul 14th, 2020

Are You Ready for NYC to Open?

New York City is slowly beginning to reopen after becoming the world’s largest and most deadly epicenter of the COVID-19 virus this past spring. The one thing to keep in mind as you step outside is that there’s a new normal going forward.
Jun 18th, 2020

What Does COVID-19 Do to the Body?

As New York begins its reopening process, vigilance will be key moving forward, which makes understanding all we can about COVID-19 paramount. In the following, we take a look at how this novel virus acts inside your body.
May 12th, 2020

Cold or Flu: How You Can Tell the Difference?

Even as winter winds down, colds and flus are still making their rounds. If you’re struck by a respiratory illness, figuring out whether you have a cold or a flu can be difficult. Here we break down the primary differences.
Apr 7th, 2020

Debunking 10 Common Myths About Covid-19

Are you having problems separating fact from fiction when it comes to COVID-19? You’re not alone. Keep reading to learn the truth about this new coronavirus.
Mar 1st, 2020

What Are the Most Important Vaccines for Seniors?

While the vaccinations you received as a child have done a great job protecting you, if you’re 65 or older you should boost your defenses. Here’s a look at the vaccines that all seniors should consider.
Feb 1st, 2020

Start Your New Year Off Right with an Annual Physical

As we enter a new year, why not start it off right by scheduling your annual physical? These preventive visits go a long way toward safeguarding your health, clearing your way forward for a healthy, happy future.
Jan 1st, 2020

6 Tips for Staying Healthy While Traveling

If you’re among the millions of Americans who are traveling over the holidays (or any time of year), here are a few tips to keep you and your family in good health while you’re on the move.
Dec 1st, 2019

What Is Your Best Protection Against Measles?

Back in 2000, the United States declared itself measles free. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case as the disease reared its ugly head again in recent years. Here’s how to protect yourself and your family from this highly contagious disease.
Oct 31st, 2019

Allergies or Asthma?

Allergies and asthma are not the same thing, but they often go hand-in-hand, creating a double whammy of misery. Here’s how to tell whether you’re suffering from allergies, asthma, or both.
Oct 1st, 2019

Why You Need a New Flu Vaccine Every Year

It’s that time of year again when you can spend just a few minutes safeguarding your family’s health this winter with a flu vaccine. Here’s why you shouldn’t skip this quick-and-easy protection.
Sep 1st, 2019

7 Back-to-School Tips for Children

The start of a new school year can be filled with excitement -- and viruses. Find out what you can do to make sure your children have the healthiest, happiest, and most successful school year.
Jul 31st, 2019

10 Tips to Get Ahead of Spring Allergies

While spring’s arrival is usually most welcome after a long winter, the season can be a wolf in sheep’s clothing for those who suffer from allergies. Here’s how you can enjoy these months with a few easy tips.
Apr 1st, 2019
How to Prepare for Your DOT Physical at Forest Hill Urgent Care.

How to Prepare for Your DOT Physical

The DOT physical is about safety – yours and your fellow drivers. It’s used to determine whether you’re fit enough to do your job. There are steps you can take to prepare for the exam and perhaps help decrease your stress over the results.
Mar 3rd, 2019
A heart-healthy diet can save your life.

5 Steps for Maintaining a Healthy Heart

True, some risk factors for heart disease, such as genetics, are beyond your control. Still, there are several basic steps everyone can take to help keep their heart healthy well into old age. Read on to learn what these are.
Jan 2nd, 2019