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Everything You Need to Know About an Immigration Medical Exam

There are many steps you need to take to legalize your American Dream, and one of the most important is your immigration exam, which is also known as the Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record (form I-693).

In order to complete this exam, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service requires that you go to a licensed civil surgeon, which we have on our team here at Forest Urgent Care.

In the following, we review everything you need to know about the immigration exam.

The purpose of the exam

Most countries require some degree of medical clearance before they accept your legal status, and the United States is no different. The primary purpose of the immigration exam is to rule out medical conditions that pose a threat to the population, which is why the exam is designed to check for:

The immigration exam is really more of a screening tool than a physical exam, which should guide you in your preparations.

Please note that if we find that you’re missing required vaccinations, we can supply you with those immunizations at our practice for an additional fee.

Preparing for the exam

The best way to prepare for your immigration exam is to gather any pertinent medical records, especially vaccination records. You should also bring along a list of any medications you’re currently taking.

Along with this medical information, you should bring a form of identification, as well as a translator if you have trouble with English.

What to expect during your exam

When you first come in, we spend some time reviewing your medical records and your medical history.

Once we have the necessary background information, we perform some tests, which includes a blood test. In some instances, the I-693 form may require that we take a chest X-ray, and we offer on-site X-ray services.

With the tests and medical review complete, we then perform a physical exam, during which we check your:

Once we've completed the necessary screenings for your immigration exam, we fill out and sign your form I-693 and seal it in an envelope, which we give to you to include in your application.

If you have any further questions about your immigration exam, please feel free to contact us at one of our two New York offices in Forest Hills or Hunters Point in Long Island City.

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